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Beef Shank Ragú

posted on March 31st, 2008 ·

What’s not to love when you can spend 3 hours on Sunday night reading and braising a piece of juicy beef shank for the next couple day’s dinner?

Step 1: Chop organic tomatoes (on the vine from green market), then sauté the tomatoes with shallots and chopped carrots. I didn’t add celery because it wasn’t one of the items sold at green market. The ingredients get browned and softened after 5 to 7 minutes. Then pour in boiled water or stock and add fresh thyme and bay leaves for great flavor.

Step 2: Bring the pot from picture 1 to boil and turn the heat down to simmer. Add beef shank (fully thawed) into the pot with a bottle of red wine. You can add as much red wine as you want, depending on your palate. I prefer my beef stew to be strong and pungent; I added 3/4 bottle of Shiraz into the pot. 3 hours later…a nice bowl of beef shank ragú that served me 3 nights!

Step 3: Monday night, I heated up a portion of the beef ragú by stirring in a little bit of pasta water on the stove. Noodles, beef ragú, chopped parsley, grated parmesan cheese - 15 minutes - done!

Making dinner on a weekday has never been so easy!

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Sunday Workout

posted on March 30th, 2008 ·


Although I focus on swimming, biking, and running during triathlon season, I still make sure that I lift weights two to three times a week to keep my strength. Many endurance athletes forgo strength training once race season starts. However, losing strength means losing power. Losing power will eventually lead to losing race or failing to reach personal goals. I currently take Saturdays off to go grocery shopping in green market. So I hit up the weight on Sunday to start the week on a strong note.


  1. Overhead squat: 1 x 10
  2. Side lunges: 1 x 10
  3. Push-ups superset with any type of crunches: 3 x 20 for each exercise
  4. Plank: front and side

Strength Training

  1. Dumbbell chest press superset w/ squat: 3 sets - 12, 10, 8 repetitions
  2. Arnold shoulder press superset w/ straight leg deadlift: 3 sets - 12, 10, 8 reps
  3. 1 arm clean and jerk: 3 x 10 each arm
  4. Floor wipers: 3 x 10
  5. Lower-ab lifts: 3 x 10
  6. Pull-ups: 2 x failure
  7. Dips: 2 x failure

Speed and Agility Training

  1. Long jumps: 5 x 10
  2. Shuttle sprints: 5

Pool on Monday morning!

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Sweaty Guinea Pig Discovered: Michael Snihur

posted on March 25th, 2008 ·

Every Wednesday, The Sweaty Guinea Pig will feature a fresh individual who will share his or her thoughts and experiences on fitness and healthy living.

Michael is the second runner with a red jersey on.

Name: Michael Snihur
Age: 22
Location: New Brunswick, NJ
Occupation: Student

What is your current routine? How many days do you dedicate to exercising every week?
I work out everyday. However, I’m recovering from a stress fracture. I currently do pool running workout every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. I do stationary biking for 30-45 minutes on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. I try to simulate my track workout routine that I was doing before getting stress fracture. I also do strength training on Monday and Wednesday; mainly focus on core, legs, and arms.

How did you come up with your current routine?
This routine is from Rutgers Cross-country and Track. I try to squeeze in as many workout sessions as possible between classes. I usually log in 60 to 70 miles of running every week.

What are your short term (within 6 weeks) and long term (3 months and beyond) goals?
My short term goals are to regain my cardio fitness and become healthy enough to run again. In the long run, I’d like to get back in top shape. I want to run a marathon eventually.

What are other types of training that you’d like to try?
I would really like to try plyometrics. I have also wanted to try yoga to increase my flexibility and have a better sense of body control.

What is your favorite post-workout meal?
Chicken pasta with vegetables, and a glass of chocolate milk to wash it down. This meal has everything I need to help me recover from a workout.

What is your ideal “cheat” meal or favorite guilty indulgence?
Absolutely has to be a Fat Sandwich (cheesesteak, chicken tenders, mozzarella sticks, French fries, lettuce, tomato on a sub roll). I have been trying to wane myself off of it. I’ve gotten myself down to only having it the night after a race.

Any advice or words of encouragement for other Sweaty Guinea Pig readers?
Make your easy days easy and hard days hard. Rest is as important as the workout.

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Guinea Pig’s Shopping Spree #2

posted on March 25th, 2008 ·

Every weekend, I will be visiting the green market and buying fresh groceries. I will share my shopping list and the cost with my readers. I hope to promote eating locally and bring back the enthusiasm of hands-on cooking.


1 bunch of kale, 3 sweet potatoes, 1 red onion, 1 head of cabbage, 1 turnip, and 1 bag of carrots: $9.00

7 apples - 4 varieties (I should start writing them down, only remember granny smith and gala): $7.75

1 dozen free range chicken eggs: $3.50
1 tub of fat-free plain yogurt: $3.00

1 free range whole chicken: $12.00

Bread, Flour, Grains:
1 loaf of whole wheat baguette: $3.00
1 French panini: $1.00

Total: $39.25

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Duathlon Recap: Prospect Park

posted on March 24th, 2008 ·

Over the weekend, I kicked off my first full triathlon season with a short duathlon race at Prospect Park, Brooklyn. My performance was mediocre. I was pleased with my run. However, my tires went flat right when I got out of the transition; therefore, I rode 13 miles with both flat tires and suffered a big set back. I placed 48 out of 93 participants.

Here we go…smell of the fresh spring air, race season has finally opened.

Coming around from the first 3-mile run…

At the transition area, biking shoes are on…

and helmet’s on. I was ready to bike.

Riding on my flats.

Riding 13 miles on flat tires - an experience that I’d never want to go through again…ever!

Since I was left behind after the bike portion of the race, I was eager to catch up with others in my run. I actually made up a lot of ground in my final 3 miles; my time ranked 21 out of 93!

I have learned my lesson - always always always double check my equipment before a race!

Next stop: Bassman Spring Triathlon at Tuckerton, New Jersey - 4/27/2008.

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Sweaty Guinea Pig Discovered: Nicole Boehmer

posted on March 23rd, 2008 ·

Every Wednesday, The Sweaty Guinea Pig will feature a fresh individual who will share his or her thoughts and experiences on fitness and healthy living.


Name: Nicole Boehmer
Age: 22
Location: New Jersey
Occupation: Dialysis Nurse

What is your current routine? How many days do you dedicate to exercising every week?
With every work out I always make sure to do at least 45 minutes of cardio, combined with lifting two different muscles groups using free weights. I work out about 4 or 5 times a week.

How did you come up with your current routine?
I used to work at a gym and we had a lot of trainers who gave me some tips here and there. I have also learned by reading different fitness magazines and bringing their suggestions to the gym with me. It is a lot of trial and error, seeing what works best for your body. Making sure to change your routine every now and then helps to challenge your body as well.

What are your short term (within 6 weeks) and long term (3 months and beyond) goals?
Currently my short term goal is to get in my best shape for the nice weather that’s on its way! I try not to focus on my body and weight as a number. My fulfillment comes from how I personally feel; the satisfaction I get after a day of eating healthy and having a great workout knowing I’m one step closer to my goal.

Long term I want to make sure I stay active and healthy. My biggest goal is to eventually compete in a triathlon. I love the way exercise can change my body, and the health benefits are even more important as I get older.

What are other types of training that you’d like to try?
I love getting my exercise by doing some sort of fun outdoor activity and am up for trying anything. I like bike riding and going hiking, but would also like to try some extreme activities. Rock climbing and water skiing have always interested me. Anything new every once in a while really recharges me and takes my workouts to a new level.

What is your favorite post-workout meal?
Something loaded with protein and lots of water.

What is your ideal “cheat” meal or favorite guilty indulgence?

Outback is my favorite place to go out for dinner, definitely my guilty indulgence.

Any advice or words of encouragement for other Sweaty Guinea Pig readers?

Just start working out. It doesn’t always have to be on a Monday or the first of the month to start working out. If you wake up one day and realize you haven’t worked out in two weeks don’t wait until Monday to start. Start that day! It will get easier and more addicting as you see your body change.

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Weekly Green Market Update: 3/17 ~ 3/19

posted on March 19th, 2008 ·


I have eaten almost everything I bought last weekend at the green market. I went to the green market again on Monday and Wednesday to restock my fridge. I was very efficient with my time; I went to the market with a shopping list and grabbed whatever I needed before going to work. Here’s my “restocking list”:

1 bunch of parsley, 1 head of cabbage, 1 bag of carrots, 1 bunch of collard green, & 1 sweet potato: $10.00
5 shallots: $1.50
2 hand-fulls of bok choy: $3.25
2 hand-fulls of red baby spinach: $3.50

6 apples, several different varieties: $2.50
4 lady apples (size of a golf ball): $1.00

1/4 gallon of skim milk: $3.00

What have you bought this week?

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Sweaty Guinea Pig Discovered: Nicole Boehmer

posted on March 19th, 2008 ·

Every Wednesday, The Sweaty Guinea Pig will feature a fresh individual who will share his or her thoughts and experiences on fitness and healthy living.

Due to Nicole’s busy schedule as a full-time caring nurse, she will be submitting her interview later this week. She is the perfect model for us; her shifts are long and she is constantly on her feet, but she finds time to exercise even when she is exhausted.

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Kicking Off The Triathlon Season

posted on March 18th, 2008 ·


This weekend, I will be kicking off my first full-triathlon season with a duathlon, run-bike-run, at Prospect Park, Brooklyn. After shedding some holiday guinea pig fat, I am ready to compete and have some fun.

I am dropping my workout intensity this week but still staying active. I went to the gym this morning and did a whole body workout. Here’s my typical lower intensity workout during the race week.

  • Bench press & push-ups: 2 x 12 & 2 x 15
  • Deadlift & upright rows: 2 x 10 each
  • Clean-n-Jerk & kettlebell swings: 2 x 10
  • Floorwipers: 3 x 10
  • Abs
  • Cool down and stretch…A MUST!

All these sets are superset.

Good luck to all of you who are kicking off the spring with race or going back out to exercise!

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Monk Fish with Green Salad

posted on March 17th, 2008 ·


This is a simple dish that you can make within 15 minutes! Season the monk fish with curry powder and let it sit for 5 minutes for its water to come out. While the monk fish is resting, gently rinse arugula under cold water and pad it dry. For salad dressing, simply whisk 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, unrefined peanut oil, and white wine vinegar together and season. Last, heat up the frying pan with olive oil and sear the monk fish for 3 to 4 minutes on each side.

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