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Sweaty Guinea Pig Discovered: Cindy Hwang

March 5th, 2008 · 1 Comment ·

Every Wednesday, The Sweaty Guinea Pig will feature a fresh individual who will share his or her thoughts and experiences on fitness and healthy living.


Name: Cindy Hwang
Age: 28
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Occupation: Advertising, Account Management

What is your current routine? How many days do you dedicate to exercising every week?
I run 4 to 5 miles 3 or 4 days a week. Then 2 or 3 days a week I take classes at the gym like spinning, fluidity, straight up strength or urban rebounding where they use mini trampolines for an aerobic workout combined with free weights. Sometimes I’ll kick start my morning with power yoga. I try to take only Sunday off of some kind of activity that gets my heart rate up.

How did you come up with your current routine?
Mostly trial and error. I really enjoy cardio so I started out running or doing the elliptical machine 5 or 6 days a week, but then realized that I should incorporate more strength training so my body doesn’t get bored.

What are your short term (within 6 weeks) and long term (3 months and beyond) goals?
My short term goals are just to continue working out with the same kind of frequency. My long term goals are to increase my strength and endurance. Maybe, possibly run a half marathon or something where there is a clear, tangible goal.

What are other types of training that you’d like to try?
I’m pretty open to any and all types of exercises. As I’ve incorporated new types into my workout, I’m realizing that there are so many different muscle groups - I find new sore areas each time that I didn’t even know existed. So any new exercise that will work out a new muscle group I would welcome!

What is your favorite post-workout meal?
Lately I’m really into salmon. So that might mean sushi, baked salmon with veggies or a little multi grain pita sandwich with grilled salmon, hummus, sprouts and greens.

What is your ideal “cheat” meal or favorite guilty indulgence?
Pizza. I have a huge weakness for a yummy regular slice!

Any advice or words of encouragement for other Sweaty Guinea Pig readers?
Even when you’re not in the mood to work out, just think about how good you’ll feel afterward. Always energized and proud!

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