Every Wednesday, The Sweaty Guinea Pig will feature a fresh individual who will share his or her thoughts and experiences on fitness and healthy living.
Name: Brian Radvansky
Age: 22
Location: Hoboken, NJ
Occupation: Sales
What is your current routine? How many days do you dedicate to exercising every week?
Recently, I’ve gotten into the habit of consistently running 3 days a week, about 30-40 minutes/day. I interject sets of push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, and sprints into the workout. I lift from 1-2 days a week to shake things up.
How did you come up with your current routine?
I think I actually saw this plan inside a Men’s Health. Doing the push-ups/sit-ups/pull-ups while out running is a pleasant break from going 30 straight minutes of jogging. I also don’t need to worry about being “too tired” to do them when I get back from the run, because by the time I’m home, the exercise is done.
What are your short term (within 6 weeks) and long term (3 months and beyond) goals?
During the next 6 weeks, I will be on a road trip around the country, so I’ll mainly be looking for maintenance of my current fitness level. I plan to do some running in fun exotic places around America. There are few things I love more than getting lost on a run or running somewhere I have never been before.
In the long term, I would like to continue to trim body fat with proper nutrition and exercise, and incorporate more weight training into my workouts for strength/muscle gains.
What are other types of training that you’d like to try?
I love bike riding, and think it would be awesome to get some long, 50+ mile rides incorporated into my training. But first I need a serious bike.
What is your favorite post-workout meal?
Lately I’ve been making a shake with skim milk, protein powder, and some frozen fruit (strawberries, blueberries, and peaches) for carbs, sweetness, and antioxidants. Sometimes I’ll add wheat germ, peanut butter, yogurt, or ice cream.
What is your ideal “cheat” meal or favorite guilty indulgence?
Eating out often sabotages my nutrition. I will eat a giant portion, or a bacon cheeseburger instead of a healthy delicious salad.
Any advice or words of encouragement for other Sweaty Guinea Pig readers?
Find fun ways to incorporate fitness into your schedule. Whether it be recreational climbing, biking, or tackle football, find some fun activity that you love that really allows you to cross train. Also, when running, concentrate on the enjoyable parts (being outside, fresh air, a good sweat) rather than looking at it as a chore or task. Lastly, remember you only get one body, and everything that you put in it and do to it has an effect on it. I’ve found that when I take care of my body and mind (through meditation and other relaxing activities), everything else in life falls into place.
2 responses so far ↓
SlowRunner // Sep 24, 2008 at 9:08 am
Is there an outdoor pull-up bar somewhere in Hoboken?
Reggie // Oct 3, 2008 at 1:33 pm
I am not from Hoboken, but if you’d like to get in touch with my friend who had lived in hoboken for a while, I can put you in touch with him. Let me know, I’d be more than happen to help you.
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