Every month, The Sweaty Guinea Pig will share a male and female celebrity’s experiences on fitness and healthy living.
Jessica Biel has become a fitness icon in Hollywood because of her toned body and ass kicking moves in Blade: Trinity. Here’s a list of ten Jessica’s lifestyle principles.
- Change is good - always try different workouts and get involved with recreational or outdoor activities.
- Hard work is ever better - all workouts are full body movements, there are minimal isolated movements.
- Food is not enemy - snack on whole foods, such as nuts, to provide energy
- Everything old is new again - do lunges in different directions; working muscles stay the same but they work under different amount of stress
- Healthy meals can be tasty - cook for yourself and use healthy ingredients as substitutes; regular French toast can be made with whole wheat bread, and meatballs can be made with lean poultry.
- Just because it’s trendy doesn’t mean it works - pilates and yoga are great, but nothing works better than lifting weights to get toned
- The “F” word is not all bad - we need healthy fats in our diet; omega-3 fatty acids are espesically important, contained in walnuts, salmon, olive oil, etc.
- Focus on your whole body, not just problem areas - workout the whole body will minimize muscle imbalance
- All cardio and no lifting makes a bad workout - too many people spend too much time on elliptical machines and their heart rate stays the same as if they were shopping in the mall; hit up the weights and put some stress on muscles to improve overall fitness
- Everybody needs a break - a day or two of rest every week will help regroup mentally and physically
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