The Sweaty Guinea Pig header image 2

Endurance: 11/21/2008

November 21st, 2008 · No Comments ·

Protocol: 5 x 15 for every superset
Goal: working towards better flip turns and greater stroke efficiency in the pool

Warm up:

  • 1 x 15 hip rotations
  • 1 x 15 glute march
  • 1 x 15 inverted hamstring

Main sets:

Superset #1:

  • incline bench, 95 lbs.
  • squat, 115 lbs.
  • upright rows, 55 lbs.
  • box jumps

Superset #2:

  •  push press: 55lbs.
  • jump squat: 55 lbs.
  • swimmers on a stability ball: 2.5 lbs. plate in each hand
  • parachute jumps
  • 3 (3×20) stretch core swimmers

Tags: Exercise

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