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Valeo is Valid

September 3rd, 2008 · No Comments ·


Valeo medicine ball is a versatile exercise tool. You can do different variations of push-ups (unbalanced push-ups, close grip, etc.), crunches (v-ups, seated twist, etc.), or use it as a dumbbell and do shoulder press, sumo squat, or tricep extensions.

Valeo medicine ball is made of rubber and has a firm grip on the outside for great handling (however, don’t let the younger kids use it without proper instructions). The medicine ball comes in different weight; I usually pick the weight that I normally use for my “recovery session” in the gym. Valeo medicine ball serves as a complement to my heavier weight training program. I use it for 3 to 4 times a day for doing simple and light exercises to stay flexible and mobile.

Tags: Products · Exercise

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